This is the first of six detox delivery reviews. So lets get started – when I was offered a 3 day juice cleanse I jumped at the chance, after all it’s how the celebs lose weight – how hard could it be?
Turns out it was pretty hard. Plenish Cleanse is the first in the UK to use a special hydraulic cold press imported from the US that keeps all the goodness in the juice intact and they are free from wheat, gluten and all processed sugars and stabilizers. You can definitely taste the freshness of the juices, I trialed Level 1: Harmony*, which is a gentle detox for those who don’t have much experience with cleansing because it is easiest to stick to. You receive 3 days worth of juice delivered to your door at once, which you have to keep in the fridge and you drink 6 juices a day along with copious amounts of water to help flush out toxins and restore your body’s natural alkalinity. Before the cleanse you are encouraged to phase out all the foods we hate to love like sugar, meat, coffee, dairy, alcohol and processed foods (anything that comes in a bag or a box), because if you have never cleansed before your body can go into withdrawal – that’s right step away from the Starbucks!
Now I thought this would be quite easy, given my current eating habits (post here) and it was easy to cut out the above things before the cleanse but it turns out that my body still went into a little bit of withdrawal. I suffered from a headache and neckache, which Plenish warn can sometimes happen, although I was supported by tweeting @PlenishCleanse and they advised me of what to do (drink lots of water FYI). The course of juices were intense – my favourite flavours were definitely the Pineapple2 and the Cashew M*lk – I didn’t ever feel hungry but the amount of liquid I had to consume was at times hard to stomach.
Would I do it again? Yes definitely, but I’d be more likely to maybe do just one day maybe combining freshly made soups with the juices or swap one meal for a juice instead. Plenish say that even one day of juicing or even half a day can be good for you and a great start if you can’t manage 3 days. I did feel less bloated, lost a couple of pounds in weight and my skin had this gorgeous glow. I didn’t crave sugar or chocolate and learnt to like the taste of water, which for me is quite a big step. The Plenish Cleanse also encouraged me to drink hot water and lemon to wake up my digestive system in the morning. I have continued doing this most days, it makes me feel a lot more awake and cleaner inside.
Do you like the sound of Plenish Cleanse? Have you tried juicing to feel healthier?
*I was sent the Level 1 Harmony 3 Day Cleanse to review